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Meet our dedicated team members who work tirelessly to fulfill our mission and make a positive impact.

Stephanie Taylor
Founder & CEO
I grew from a seedling into a Douglas-fir tree and I am ready to spread my roots of wisdom into the world

Stephanie Taylor
Founder & CEO
Not having access to affordable housing since the- great recession and wanting to understand my nation’s history I took a year-long program, Housing and Community Development where I learned why it’s important to develop a foundation in history. In this context I learned about the effects and significance of Context Minimization Error and Redlining. As defined by psychology, Context Minimization Error is one’s tendency to ignore the impact of enduring neighborhoods and communities on human behavior. Redlining was a policy construct that allowed racial discrimination towards minorities, preventing them from purchasing homes. Discovering and dissecting Redlining allowed me to recognize the underlying message, that minorities unable to purchase homes will not have a foundation to pass down to the next generations. Redlined families miss out on the benefits of home ownership, which establishes access to financial credit, without such access it is hard to pay for our children’s college education or plan for retirement. Finally, I learned that the concept of Redlining expands the idea of Context Minimization Error by emphasizing the systemic nature of discrimination.
I grew up around drugs, prostitution and violence. In 2016, my baby brother was murdered. Growing up in such harsh environments, I now comprehend the world I live and grew up in on multiple levels. Evergreen taught me about resilience which is defined by one’s’ ability to survive the conditions of their environment. I now know that I have resilience. My mind was awakened to the power of bureaucratic language and policies that hinder our nation’s collective growth. My passion for justice is why I enrolled in Foundations of the Washington State Governance, where I became knowledgeable about how Washington State administers justice. I also learned the inner workings of enforcement. For instance, if Child Protective Services oversteps its boundaries, it’s possible to file a complaint with the Ombudsman, a separate government funded entity in charge of investigating and regulating C.P.S. in cases where laws and civil rights have been violated.
Then, In Race, Crime and The Mass crisis of Incarceration, we watched a Documentary called 13th, which covers the devastating effects of Bill Clinton’s “Three strikes laws.” Such laws continue to govern mandatory minimum sentencing. When I was 10 years old, my mother was locked up in Purdy prison for three and a half years, of which she served 9 months in work release, all for less than 0.05 grams of Crack Cocaine. For the first time, I understood how politics governed my life. Three strikes law were a tough-on crime initiative started by Richard Nixon in 1971, endorsed by Ronald Reagan in 1982 and enacted into law by Bill Clinton in 1994. I do not think anyone who voted for Bill Clinton anticipated that the fear of drugs would have such a negative impact on how punishment is being distributed upon black men and black women throughout our judicial system.
In my statistics course, I learned about equity versus equality where equal access to services does not mean that the services are being provided equitably. Alexander Hamilton quotes that “The first duty of society is justice”, but I believe society’s first duty should be having an equitable judicial system that provides equitable services. At Evergreen, I grew from a seedling into a Douglas-fir tree and I am ready to spread my roots of wisdom into the world. I feel confident that what I have learned at Evergreen will help me create durable change within my communities. I find my purpose and meaning in life within James Baldwin’s quote, “The paradox of education is precisely this that as one begins to become conscious one begins to examine the society in which he is being educated.” As I take root in our judgmental world, I realized that this is the final chapter towards the completion of my B.A. in Business Management and Human Services, and my right of passage into my graduates program, where I will create durable change and start my non-profit organization.

Ashley Duncan
Executive Director
Looking to give back to my community and help build relationships that guide disadvantage individuals

Ashley Duncan
Executive Director
Growing up within Birmingham Alabama where resources are scarce and the need for social justice awareness more prevalent, I felt like continuing to live there was hindering my full potential within my educational journey. I am a first generational college student who held the visions of seeing myself outside the realms of poverty. One day I found the courage within myself to take a big leap of faith to pursue my pathways towards my educational success, so I decided to move to Lakewood, Washington to attend Clover Park Technical College. While attending Clover Park I earned an AAST-Human Services with a certificate in Chemical Dependency. I also, served on the hiring committee of Clover Park Technical College. The Hiring committee was chosen to hire the Director of Equity & Inclusion, the Lead Ambassador for the Student Leadership and Service Center at Clover Park Technical College. After attending Clover Park, I enrolled into the Evergreen State College and earned my BA in Business Administration with a focus in Public Policy and Education. Now I am looking to give back to my community and help build relationships that guide disadvantage individuals towards pathways that will help them create upward bound mobility.
“The process of empowerment cannot be simplistically defined in accordance with our own particular class interest. We must learn to lift as we climb.” Angela Davis
Our Mission
Serving marginalized communities
At Port of Support we are dedicated to empowering and uplifting African Americans, Indigenous people, and BIPOC community members by providing equitable access to resources, support, and opportunities.
Through our comprehensive services and innovative approaches, we aim to improve the quality of living, enhance self-sufficiency, and increase life expectancy for domestic violence survivors, LGBTQIA community members, homeless youth and young adults, pregnant women, and African American young men.
Striving for equality
Serving King, Thurston & Pierce counties
Together, we are creating a future where every individual can thrive with dignity, equality, and hope. We believe that by addressing systemic disparities and advocating for social justice, we can build a society where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential.
Our programs focus on education, healthcare access, economic empowerment, housing stability, employment opportunities, and community engagement. At the heart of our mission is the belief that every person deserves to live a life free from discrimination, oppression, and inequality.
Our partners
Creating sustainable solutions that address unique challenges
Through collaboration with local organizations, government agencies, and community members, we strive to create sustainable solutions that address the unique challenges faced by our target populations.
We are committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment where individuals can heal, grow, and thrive. By providing culturally-sensitive services and promoting diversity, we aim to create a society where everyone’s voice is heard and respected. We understand that achieving our vision requires long-term commitment and collaboration. We actively seek partnerships with individuals, businesses, foundations, and government entities who share our passion for social justice and equity.
Creating opportunities
Celebrating diversity
Together, we can create lasting change and make a lasting impact on the lives of those we serve. Join us in our mission to create a future where every individual can thrive with dignity, equality, and hope.
By combining our resources we can build a society that celebrates diversity, uplifts marginalized communities, and ensures that all people have access to the resources and opportunities they need to succeed.
"Creating sustainable solutions that address unique challenges"
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